Why Your E-Commerce Site Should Switch to Eco-Friendly Courier Service

Why Your E-Commerce Site Should Switch to Eco-Friendly Courier Service

26th March 2018

More than ever, consumers are becoming aware of the ecological impact of their actions. From their food selections down to the purchases they make online, people tend to look for ways to go green.

As this eco-consciousness grows, more consumers are demanding for sustainable products and services. It’s primarily the reason why more businesses are propelled to jump on the environment-friendly bandwagon in order to tap into this growing market.

Switching to an eco-friendly courier service is easily one of the most visible ways for the world to see your green actions. If you’re doubting what going green can do for your e-commerce business, here are four reasons why you should do so.

1. Cost Saving

A business that decides to implement more eco-friendly policies, not only reduces its carbon footprint but improves its bottom line as well. Many businesses attest to the cost-saving benefits of going green. In fact,NBC News reports that chemical giant DuPont has saved an estimate of $3 billion from its two-decade efforts of reducing carbon emissions.

Your e-commerce site can also experience this improvement in your profit margin by doing something as simple as cutting off electricity when not in use and relying upon an eco-friendly courier service, which if not more affordable, are as cost-efficient as other courier businesses but less the carbon emission.

2. Improved Brand Image

Further, businesses that turn to eco-friendly courier services are more likely to gain the favor of like-minded consumers who value earth-conscious policies. By highlighting your attempts with green changes, you are bound to tap into these market who are actively pursuing to cut back on emissions.

Aside from partnering with a green courier company, you can also improve your marketing campaign to include the use of sustainable materials in your packaging or better yet, alter your manufacturing processes to minimize the harmful impact on your surroundings.

3. Government Incentives

Aside from a positive ROI and tapping into the eco-conscious market, your business may also be eligible for tax credits if you gear up to establish environment-friendly practices.

The 2009 economic stimulus provides incentives for companies that focus on green efforts such as converting to renewable energy sources and employing hybrid automobiles and fleet vehicles for the transport of goods.

Did You Know? Green Courier takes pride in having the largest fleet of zero-emission vehicles in the UK courier service industry. This ensures that your packages will be delivered in the most eco-responsible manner.

4. Healthier Work Environment

Overall, a company that promotes eco-friendly initiatives are said to have a healthier work environment. According to the Green Business Bureau, those establishments that promote a sustainable workplace report that the number of sick days used by their employees is reduced by 20%. Such improvement can also result in increased productivity and harmonious relationships.

A company that adopts a green attitude is guaranteed to see an improved bottom line, and switching to an eco-friendly courier service will help strengthen your actions of preserving the environment. Certainly, it’s a win-win situation in every angle.

Do you have anything to add to this list? Let us know by commenting below.